A post on doomsday 2012!

I woke up this morning with the vague understanding that the world could not have come to an end last night at 3:12 because I was so comfortable.  There had been so much anticipation over this day that everyone is missing what I believe is the true change, the true catastrophe.  It’s an ongoing process as slow as some geological scales because it is a transmorgification of the human psyche as a whole.  It has already begun years ago and we are just now in the thick of it.  Maybe humans tend to focus on a huge armaggedon type scenario becuase that’d easier to understand, and more dramatic.  The change is now.  Just as the earth is transitioning into a new age we too can ride the wake of energy and choose a new path for ourselves or stay on the same path, that appears to be leading to our demise.  The choice is for everyone of us but for us all at the same time.

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